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You’re not going to like this

Last weekend I spoke at an event in New York City called Thrive. The speech I gave made a pretty big impact on the audience. The outpouring of emails, private messages, Facebook posts, emails and applications to write a book with The Author Incubator has blown me away. Here’s what one of my favorite authors and business coaches said about my speech:

Thrive FB Post

After I read that, I figured it wasn’t fair to keep you out of the loop just because you weren’t able to join us in New York.



The truth is, what I said isn’t easy to hear and you probably aren’t going to like it. And that’s exactly why you need to listen.

Think about your movement right now. The number of followers you have…. The difference you are making in the world…. The amount of revenue you see every month…

Thrive - AngelaDon’t look away. Whether it’s 0 people and $0 or 1000 people and $10,000.

Now think about what you want it to be. Maybe you want to influence thousands or even millions of people. Maybe you want to make 10 times what you are making. Just for a second, get specific about how much bigger you’d like your movement to be. How many people you want to serve… how much influence you want to have…. How much money you want to truly fund your movement and make the biggest impact possible…Whatever it is… let’s just be honest about where your movement is right now at this point in time.

Got it?

Okay… here’s the hard truth:

You want the results you have today MORE than the vision.

  • You’re influencing exactly as many people as you want to right now.
  • You’re making exactly what you want to be making right now.
  • You’re creating the impact you want to create.

If what you have and what you want are in alignment, you are in great shape. But if there is a disconnect, we need to be honest about why that disconnect exists and remove the obstacles between you and your future self.

We are all, always, already getting what we want. What you have is what you want most of all.

So, how do you get more?

Most people think it looks something like this:

  • Have better ideas
  • Be more creative and original
  • Start charging what you’re worth
  • Raise your rates
  • Create passive income projects
  • Write a book
  • Partner with people with bigger lists than you
  • Get awesome at FB ads
  • Master copywriting

The truth is – you will have to do some of the things on the list to get to where you want to go, but those things won’t take you there. Those action steps will be natural by-products of activating the ruby slippers that you’ve had all along.

You must become the person your future clients would buy from.

Let’s say you are trying to change corporate America to join the new work movement. You want to sell to CEOs and you want them to join your movement revolutionizing work.

I’m all in!

But to get there, there is no change you can make to your Facebook ads, or your sales calls, or your blog that will be a fraction as effective as asking yourself:

Who would the CEOs I want to influence buy from?

  • What thoughts do the people they hire have?
  • What do they wear?
  • How do they live?
  • What do they think?
  • Who are their friends?
  • What events do they attend?

Does the person they will hire spend a lot of time making changes to typos or graphics on a web page?

Does the person they will hire spend a lot of time worrying if they have the right logo or program name?

Does the person they will hire beat themselves up for promising to exercise and not exercising?

Does the person they will hire have a new product coming out every week and switch ideas all the time?

As long as you are doing those things, you will not be able to get your movement where it deserves to be.

Really THINK about this. Get clear on the person your ideal client would be dying to work with.

Let’s say Sheryl Sandberg started a CEO mentorship and let’s say it was – oh I don’t know – $200,000 a year. Do you have any idea how fast I would be selling my house or taking out a home equity line to work with her? WHY? Because she is the PERSON I know, 100% could help me reach my goals. Not because of her fancy student center, her nice logo, her amazing FB ads, her awesome sales copy, or her amazing closing techniques. It would be an easy sell because she is the PERSON I believe could get me the results I want. Heck, it worked for Mark Zuckerberg!

YOU need to become an easy sell.

And you do that by BEING the person your ideal client would be EXCITED for the opportunity to take out a home equity line to work with.

If you were the person your ideal client would buy from:

  • You’d be serious about your movement enough to fund your movement.
  • You would have unwavering belief.
  • You wouldn’t stay in your PJs or Yoga pants all day.
  • You wouldn’t be confused or figuring things out.
  • You’d be investing in your movement like you KNEW it would take off.
  • You’d be surrounding yourself with people who were as successful as you or more.
  • You’d be making offers and talking to prospects rather than hiding and hoping they find you.
  • You’d have mentors and listen to what they say instead of fighting them or ignoring them.

Thrive - MonikaYou become that person. To write a book in 90 days you have to be totally action oriented, you have to step out of victim mode 100%, you have to face the challenges that come up like a pro not an amateur. You have to own your knowledge. You have to be a better version of yourself.Many of our authors go from making little or no money to making $10K – $30k a month. Why? Because writing a book in 90 days requires you step into your future shoes. You get a book, yes, but more importantly you get the experience of BEING the person your prospects would kill to buy from.

Writing a book isn’t the only way to do this – but it is a powerful one.

What challenge can you give yourself that will transform you into the beacon for the abundance you want to create?



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