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The Truth About Why I Cancelled My Trip To Traffic & Conversion 1/2 Way To The Airport

(or how to spot an author that doesn’t want to make a difference for their readers or create a fuckton of money to take care of their families)

This week I had our EXECUTE event for my premiere authors at The Author Castle. There is a lot both Paul and I do at these events, so we are working to get ready days in advance and then working from 6am to very late (3am one night) during the event.

I planned to leave the event and go straight to the Traffic & Conversion marketing conference in San Diego and come home on a red eye on Monday.

For the past 4 days Paul and I have worked side by side and slept in our bed – which is delightful – but I barely looked him in the eye all week. I am working so hard lately, and so is he, that I keep “forgetting” to put our marriage at the top of my list.

As he drove me to the airport last night I was thinking –

“what the hell am I doing?”

I haven’t spent ANY time with him for DAYS and I’m about to go to a marketing event in California and then come back and host another event and not really “see” him even though we are working in the same house.

“My priorities are fucked,” I said as we headed to the highway entrance. “I think we need to turn the car around.”

I was going to the event because I had a ticket I bought back in September. It was expensive. I was meeting my friend Brooke and I was excited to see her. I had 4 or 5 marketing meetings set up including my PR firm and my reality TV show producer, and several marketing partners. I was going to have some quality time with my Chief Marketing Officer.

I bought a ticket (1st class because of the late night flights). I had a $300/night room booked. There was a no refund policy for the limo. I’d lose money on all of that. Plus I had said goodbye to everyone at my house already.

Those all seemed like good reasons NOT to NOT go.

But it was 100% out of alignment with my values.

My values are that I prioritize my marriage.

My values are that I don’t go weeks without spending time with my husband.

My values are family first.

But that’s not what I was living.

And so we turned the car around… and this morning I’m looking for books on relationships where a couple works in the same business. I found and read 2.

Book 1
Entrepreneurial Couples Making it Work at Work and at Home
by Dr. Kathy Marshack

Book 2
You & Your Partner, Inc.: Entrepreneurial Couples Succeeding in Business Life & Love
by Jeffrey McIntyre & Miriam Hawley


Note how their titles perfectly represent my problem and dream come true IN MY WORDS – right now. I liked both books. But my priorities haven’t been fixed just from reading the books so I wanted to work with the authors, right?

Makes sense – I am in PAIN right now. I almost made a relationship-endangeringly bad decision – right now. I am ready to make an investment in solving this RIGHT NOW. I am an action taker and I’m ready to get results (the kind of client who would make an amazing case study).

So I went to their websites (take a gander):

Book 1

Book 2


They make it FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE to buy from them. (p.s. your website probably looks like this too).

Seriously I’m confused – do you hate me or your family? Because either you don’t want to make money or you don’t want to help me.

*** Neither author has any clue how to ACTUALLY make a difference with a book in a streamlined way that brings MAXIMUM revenue to them and MAXIMUM healing and transformation to the reader.***

Both websites present hundreds of reasons NOT to buy and NO clear path to move forward. It’s like I’m in charge. But if I knew how to fix this I wouldn’t be on their website.

If I didn’t have the business I have teaching authors how to AVOID this trap and to FULLY exploit their own rights, I would have left these sites unserved and even more confused.

All I want is to buy a program that matches with their book. I’d don’t care if it’s live, virtual, in person, over the phone, group, couple, one-on-one… doesn’t matter if they think it’s the best thing to help me right now, I want it. I don’t want cheap pre-recorded stuff because I already read the books.

I want to work with the author and get this taken care of so I’m not putting my business relationship with my husband ahead of our personal one.

Honestly, if they said the answer was a 2-day $25,000 couples retreat in Belize with the author. I would say yes.

Oh, and the first one I got on the phone who I believed could solve the problem, would get the business.

I don’t know how to solve this problem. I know I have blind spots and I trust their expertise. I want to be TOLD how to fix it the fastest way. I don’t want to figure it out, I want to fix it.

I don’t want to read 300 articles they have written (I already read their damn book!). I don’t want to sort through FAQS! I don’t want to look at programs they offered in 2012 that aren’t available right now. I don’t want to read their bio. WTF I don’t care about credentials – I just want my problem fixed.

I have no idea how either of these business are doing financially, but I am 1000% confident I could triple their income and cut their work load in half just by ripping down most of their website and creating an ACTUAL program or package to support their readers.

I am on a mission to help healers like these authors learn how to get out of their friggin’ heads, drop their bullshit insecurities (that lead to useless websites like this), and to FUCKING STEP UP AND SERVE PEOPLE IN PAIN…. LIKE me.

Fyi – I have sent inquiries to both authors but if you know either of them – can you let them know they are leaving money on the table and leaving people who want to be served in pain?

How many people are you leaving unserved because you load your website up with bullshit information that makes you feel good about yourself but would ONLY be desired by someone who WASN’T EVER going to buy from you or commit to making a permanent change?

Case Study: Navigating the Business of Writing

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Case Study: Navigating the Business of Writing

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